I'm just setting up my TinyPilot. I can see my target MacBook's screen in the web interface. But I can't control it from the web interface.
On my target computer, I made sure mirror mode was turned off, and that the TP was set as the Main Display in my macbook Display Settings.
From the tinypilot web interface, I can see my target computer's screen, but I can't interact with it. The mouse and keyboard (including the keyboard) don't do anything. I can't click on anything. I can still use the target computer's trackpad and keyboard, and I see the results in the web interface.
Maybe this is because I don't have a hardware mouse or keyboard plugged into the TP's USB ports - do I need that? Ideally I'd like to be able to control my target computer from just my personal laptop, without the need for peripherals. In case it matters, I'm using the USB-C-to-USB-A cable that came in the TP box, and am using a A-to-C adapter since my macbook pro only has USB-C ports. I've tried a couple of A-to-C adapters that I have.
Another issue: When my target macbook's display turns off due to inactivity, the TP web interface says "No signal". I should be able to use the computer even if the screen turns off or the lid closes, right? How can I do that?
Here's a link to my TP's logs so far: https://logs.tinypilotkvm.com/AQ8KcPxB
I see that this comment says:
You can use a USB-C to USB-A cable and connect to the target computer that way...The only problem is that when the computer shuts off, the Pi shuts off too.
Is that why I lose signal when the target computer goes to sleep? It sounds like I need an OTG cable - would one like this work? https://www.amazon.com/Adapter-JSAUX-Compatible-MacBook-Samsung/dp/B07L749R9R/
I just ordered that, so I'll try using that instead of the USB-A-to-C adapter I'm currently using (which might not be OTG, I'm not sure).
- Diego @diego
Hello @stargazer! Thank you for opening a new thread, it makes sense :)
I'm just setting up my TinyPilot. I can see my target MacBook's screen in the web interface. But I can't control it from the web interface.
In your logs, I see several lines with the following message:
Failed to write to HID interface: /dev/hidg1. Is USB cable connected?
I would say the problem looks to be the USB-A to USB-C adaptor (these adaptors tend to be tricky, and compatibility varies). If the adaptor you ordered does not work, then please check this post for another user that went through the same problem as yours. He used an Apple standard dongle to solve it. I, unfortunately, don't have an Amazon link for it, but I'm sure you will be able to find it quickly.
Maybe this is because I don't have a hardware mouse or keyboard plugged into the TP's USB ports - do I need that?
No, you don't need to connect anything to the TinyPilot's USB ports.
Another issue: When my target macbook's display turns off due to inactivity, the TP web interface says "No signal". I should be able to use the computer even if the screen turns off or the lid closes, right? How can I do that?
It is normal for the TinyPilot web interface to show a NO SIGNAL screen if the target computer goes into sleep mode. Please bare in mind that when the target computer goes to sleep, the HDMI port no longer receives power, so that's why you see a NO SIGNAL screen. Moving the mouse or pressing a key in the web interface browser window should wake up the target computer, just like it would normally.
- S@stargazer
OK, that OTG USB-A-to-C adapter worked - now I can use my local computer's trackpad and keyboard to control the source computer. Hooray!
I'm still having this issue of not being able to wake my target computer when it goes to sleep, or when the lid is shut. You wrote:
Moving the mouse or pressing a key in the web interface browser window should wake up the target computer, just like it would normally.
But this isn't my experience. In the web interface, if I move my cursor around over the "No Signal" video component, or type on the keyboard (either my hardware keyboard or the virtual one in the web interface), the target computer doesn't wake up.
If there's an easy answer to why this isn't working, let me know. Otherwise, I'll research it further and open a new thread if I can't find the answer myself. [Update: I created this post: Wake on Lan not working; can't wake target computer when it sleeps or shuts down]
Diego @diego
Hello @stargazer, can you try rebooting the TinyPilot while the target computer is suspended? Or disconnect and then reconnect the USB-A to USB-C adapter. And see what happens. I believe your issue is similar as in this post, and I'd like to confirm my theory.