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You can ask questions, make feature requests, or share neat things you've done with your TinyPilot.

Topics, recently active firstCategoryUsersRepliesActivity
TinyPilot has been perfect for months, suddenly USB input lag. Reboot doesn't help :(
Hey guys, our TP has been perfect for months. Suddenly, I've got about a 1 second delay between each key (!) arriving at the host. I've rebooted through the UI and CLI, no change. I grabbed a shareable log, if t...
    Technical SupportKCK52022-11-11 00:40:27.816Z
    Technical SupportSC72022-11-09 20:48:10.112Z
    Hello, Question, does there need an videocard to make the usb keyboard to work? I have an raspberry pi3b and i have an usb a to usb a cable, should this just work without an video caption card plugged in? I have an video caption card buyed but still ...
      Technical SupportJ12022-11-07 13:15:30.673Z
      Installation Fails at "build uStreamer"
      I'm trying to install Tinypilot on my new Pi4 running the latest version of Pi OS Lite using SSH with the simple installation command found on GitHub, but keep getting a "builduStreamer fail" error time and time again. TASK [ansible-role-ustreamer : ...
        Technical SupportF22022-11-07 12:14:28.700Z
        Wireless and Tailscale
        Hi, It seems like I setup wireless SSiD on my home wifi and it’s stuck to it but when I change it to hotspot it stays connected and only works to home wifi or is this a Tailscale issue?
          Technical SupportS12022-11-03 12:46:01.435Z
          Nginx version
          My Tinypilot install seems to be running nginx 1.14, which if I'm not wrong is deprecated. Is it possible/easy to update it?
            Technical SupportT12022-11-02 20:37:04.512Z
            Question about Tiny Pilot
            Does the Tiny Pilot pass the network through to the machine it is connected to or would we need to have a second network drop or small switch to keep Tiny Pilot and the computer it is controlling connected to the network?
              Technical SupportE12022-11-02 19:13:33.695Z
              USB-C to USB-C
              Anything magic about cables for from USB-C Data port (V2) to USB-C (target device) versus C to A? I tried with a few cables and it didn't work - I had to use a laptop-USB hub (C-->A*4 on the target device) and the A-C cable that came with the Voyager...
                Technical SupportM22022-11-02 15:14:07.314Z
                How can i use tinypilot to show another external monitor besides the laptop monitor ?
                How can i use tinypilot to show another external monitor besides the laptop monitor ?
                  Technical SupportAC32022-11-01 00:12:24.310Z
                  502 Bad Gateway after reboot; ImportError: cannot import name 'keycodes' from 'hid'
                  After reboot of the tinypilot device (purchased with pre-programmed sd card) due to power loss nginx reports error 502. tinypilot service is active but reports import failure: root@tinypilot:/home/pilot# systemctl status tinypilot ● tinypilot.service...
                    Technical SupportZC22022-10-28 14:04:29.862Z
                    Explain icons...
                    Mouse not working through KVM
                    I have an 8 port KVM with Hotkey switching. It allows me to press some keys on my keyboard to switch to another port on the KVM. This is very handy. However, the Mouse on the TinyPilot Voyager 2 will not work through the USB port on the KVM that allo...
                      Technical SupportE282022-10-27 16:14:39.060Z
                      Adding ALT+SysRQ key combinations would be a great addition (like pikvm has now)
                      The Linux Magic System Request Key Hacks ( is just a fantastic way to interact with Linux when it's being "naughty". PiKvm has it implemented in their "Shortcuts" menu, and I have used it ...
                        IdeasRC12022-10-27 15:52:07.703Z
                        Can't connect with 2 TinyPilots
                        HI, Already i connect one Tiny Pilot with one target machine1. I try to connect new Tiny Pilot for new target machine 2. But in my 2nd computer showing only 1st target,not showing 2 nd target also giving error 404
                          Technical SupportJ32022-10-27 11:25:52.927Z
                          Can I access the KVM from a different network?
                          Sorry for the noob question. I'm considering getting the Tinypilot Voyager 2. What I'm trying to do is be able to access a friends PC via KVM from a different country, so over the internet. Obviously if the whole thing only works within a LAN that's ...
                            GeneralKCF102022-10-26 22:23:41.066Z
                            Can't update to 2.5.0
                            Here is the error message: 'The update failed: Command '['sudo', '/opt/tinypilot-privileged/update']' returned non-zero exit status 2.'
                              Technical SupportM72022-10-26 17:54:59.034Z
                              No video output before Windows boot
                              We have purchased a TinyPilot Voyager 2 with the intention of connecting/controlling Dell Latitude laptops at a remote site. We have tested the setup we were planning locally, and we have found that when the laptop reboots, the TinyPilot web portal d...
                                Technical SupportTC12022-10-25 22:20:37.188Z
                                Mouse movement in Windows 98 SE at one-half of actual movement
                                Mouse position is correct at the top-left corner of the virtual desktop. As I move the mouse to the bottom-right, the cursor on the host machine moves half the distance. By the time I have reached the bottom-right corner, the host cursor is thusly in...
                                  Technical SupportA2JX112022-10-24 23:42:44.314Z
                                  Update failed 2.4.1 -> 2.5.0
                                  First off love the software veryyyy convenient!! Previous web-gui updates have worked without issue, until now. The logs show "ERROR Update process timed out" --- After multiple reboots, I am at a loss. Is there a bash script to run the update throug...
                                    Technical SupportC52022-10-21 11:43:14.768Z
                                    Browser hot-keys
                                    I saw that chrome app enable cmd-t and cmd-w to work properly according to this: When I open a browser on the target device and press cmd-t, it correctly opens a new tab in the target device. However, a c...
                                      Technical SupportJ2C12022-10-20 19:46:11.660Z
                                      Use TinyPilot to remote my PC instead of software remote software while I'm away from the office
                                      Can this be done? my thinking is I would need 3 things The TinyPilot an HDMI Splitter so I could see my screen while I'm in the office and the TinyPilot has the HDM as well to access while I'm away Possibly an LTE router for internet access to the Ti...
                                        Technical SupportZ212022-10-20 15:28:05.136Z
                                        New TinyPilot Voyager 2 Video distorted
                                        Using the VGA to HDMI adapter, I'm getting terrible picture on a Dell PowerEdge R240 server (we have 4 of these servers and they all do the same thing). The screenshot below is of the Ubuntu Server install screen using the ISO image uploaded to the T...
                                          Technical SupportTKA172022-10-20 15:16:57.966Z
                                          how to connect office laptop to personal laptop?
                                          Hi, I need hardware setup for office laptop with my personal laptop.
                                            Technical SupportJCCJ22022-10-19 18:29:50.851Z
                                            how to connect 2 server
                                            Hi, In my home network, how to connect 2 target machines? need a 2 tiny piolet? then,how can i identify target 1 to one laptop and target 2 in another laptop? I have only one internet connection in my home.
                                              Technical SupportJCC22022-10-19 16:12:30.797Z
                                              Audio device Toshiba-H2C
                                              I connected TinyPilot to Windows and Mac, and I see Toshiba-H2C audio device on both laptops. Is it a way to disable the audio device so it is not recognized by laptops since TinyPilot doesn't support audio anyways. Or rename the audio device from To...
                                                Technical SupportVT32022-10-19 12:01:29.450Z
                                                Can sound be included over HDMI?
                                                I just received my TinyPilot today, and it works great! I am connecting to a MacBook Pro 13” M1, and everything works as expected. I had just one question. Is it possible to include sound over the HDMI link? Certainly sound can be transmitted via HDM...
                                                  IdeasLT32022-10-19 11:49:35.561Z
                                                  502 Bad Gateway after reboot
                                                  Issued a reboot to the system and after reboot, trying to connect to the web service results in a 502 bad gateway. ===================================================== Checking logs, see the following being repeated over and over. Oct 17 08:31:23 02...
                                                    Technical SupportC102022-10-18 22:08:50.226Z
                                                    Can TinyPilot work with phones and VPN?
                                                    Hi, I'm looking at the Voyager 2 and I want to know if it will work on a phone (Samsung model) and using tailscale to remote into it from another location? I'm not familiar with tech stuffs, but I tried to use RDP to remote into the phone and was blo...
                                                      Technical SupportZ12022-10-17 11:26:48.507Z
                                                      Default to fullscreen at connect or remove virtual keyboard
                                                      Hello, We are using 3 of these units to allow access to operators from various setup benches around the shop and would be great if we could default to fullscreen at connect time? also would a good way to make them view only be to just remove the USB ...
                                                        Technical SupportJC12022-10-14 15:07:12.212Z
                                                        Failed to Complete Update 2.4.1 to 2.5.0
                                                        Hi, trying to update from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0 I'm getting The update failed: Command '['sudo', '/opt/tinypilot-privileged/update']' returned non-zero exit status 1. Here's my log: Thanks.
                                                          Technical SupportNC32022-10-12 21:02:34.196Z
                                                          unable to change my TinyPilot voyager2 use at static IP
                                                          Hi There I have followed your guide regarding change my unit from the default DHCP til static IP: But i keen getting an error every time. Here i my first try: pilot@tinypilot:~ $ export TINYPILOT_STATIC_IP="10.1...
                                                            Technical SupportHC12022-10-12 14:26:55.579Z
                                                            can't wake computer using mouse/keyboard
                                                            after some time of not using the computer connected to tinypilot, it seems it went to sleep. normally its possible to wake the computer by pressing a key on the keyboard or on the mouse, however with tinypilot this seems not possible? please advice o...
                                                              Technical SupportDA32022-10-11 20:22:23.520Z
                                                              Can I access KVM from internet with VPN
                                                              If I have a laptop in US on my VPN and another laptop in Europe on the same VPN , are they both considered to be on the local network and I can just access the US laptop in Europe using the tinypilot url? Or do I need to still use cloud solutions, re...
                                                                Technical SupportN12022-10-11 09:16:00.652Z
                                                                No Video (Multiple Computers)
                                                                I am having an issue with no video with a brand new TinyPilot Voyager 2. Tried with both HDMI direct and HDMI to VGA adapter. (Tried this on 2 different laptops, same cables work fine with mutliple test monitors. Logs below: uStreamer logs Oct 06 22:...
                                                                  Technical SupportM32022-10-10 18:13:14.414Z
                                                                  Keyboard Not Working
                                                                  Hello, I am attempting to use tinypilot through an azure virtual desktop (AVD) connection, but the keyboard is not passing through to the tinypilot browser page. In my AVD setup the virtual machine that is serving the bowser that I am using, is conne...
                                                                    Technical SupportG52022-10-10 11:12:20.551Z
                                                                    Upgrade failed
                                                                    I tried to upgrade through the web GUI and can no longer access the tiny pilot from my browser. I am able to ssh in and rebooted the system from there, but it still doesn't work. The last message in the browser from the upgrade attempt was "Failed to...
                                                                      Technical SupportSS72022-10-07 20:36:54.179Z
                                                                      Does not work consistently from Intel NUC, works from macbook M1
                                                                      Team, I have a tiny pilot that is a KVM for a locked down laptop. When i web into it, it works perfect from my macbook pro M1 Firefox, but does not work consistently from my windows 10 Intel NUC Firefox/Chrome/Edge. Nothing changed and this used to w...
                                                                        Technical SupportJ52022-10-07 17:38:43.530Z
                                                                        Sending CTRL Sequence via on-screen keyboard
                                                                        Dear Tinypilot, Thank you for a wonderful product. My problem involves using the TinyPilot and two identical IOGEAR 4-port KVMs, at the same time. Short version: I am having difficulty sending the sequence "CTRL","CTRL","2","ENTER" via TinyPilot on-s...
                                                                          Technical SupportE3112022-10-07 16:58:48.878Z
                                                                          Can I use Multi TinyPilot to control Multi Laptop on the same lan ?
                                                                          Can I use Multi TinyPilot to control Multi Laptop on the same lan ?
                                                                            Technical SupportSLB72022-10-07 11:50:03.130Z
                                                                            How many Device/ Workstation Connected or login with Voyager 2
                                                                            How many Device/ Workstations Connected or login with Voyager 2
                                                                              Technical SupportB12022-10-06 11:11:41.826Z
                                                                              How to access KVM from different country
                                                                              i have one KVM i need to access KVM from a different country
                                                                                Technical SupportB12022-10-06 10:49:22.721Z