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You can ask questions, make feature requests, or share neat things you've done with your TinyPilot.

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Virtual Media not working
#1 issue Size Cap? I read there is a TinyPilot Virtual Media size cap Each .ISO (or .IMG) can be no larger than 2.1 GB. Is there a cap? If yes, what is it? #2 Media mounted in running OS does not work HirenBootCD and any other disk I try simply does ...
    Technical SupportD12021-09-22 22:23:06.118Z
    BIOS not viewable
    I have TP Pro. I have tried unit on 2 laptops and a desktop. Cannot see BIOS (during reboot). Post BIOS, I can seen normal Windows bootup.
      Technical SupportD12021-09-22 22:18:13.418Z
      Fix for TinyPilot update failure
      In case this helps others. I tried to update TinyPilot software via Web UI and it failed. I logged in via SSH and ran /opt/tinypilot/scripts/upgrade. Output said file not valid yet and updates for this repository will not be applied. Google said to c...
        GeneralC12021-09-22 19:39:09.588Z
        TinyPilot Pro 2.3.0 released
        This week, we published the September 2021 release of TinyPilot Pro. It adds several features including: Wake on LAN Streaming update logs Keyboard shortcuts for Ctrl + Alt + Del CD-ROM mode for virtual media For full details, see the announcement bl...
          General02021-09-22 19:11:09.526Z
          Way to split Keyboard and Mouse to 2 USB ports to connect to KVM
          My KVM Switch usb ports only has separate ports for Keyboard and Mouse. Is there anyway to split or repeat the USB from the Pi so I can plug into Keyboard and Mouse? Just to note my Pi works in either Keyboard or Mouse plug it only controls either th...
            GeneralK12021-09-10 21:30:53.344Z
            Reduce CSI to HDMI resolution to 800x600
            How to reduce resolution to 800x600? I am using Tinypilot pro version. If possible pls share how to do that in Tinypilot community version also. Thanks
              Technical SupportP12021-09-09 18:20:58.096Z
              remote-screen-img size
              I've managed to increase the ustreamer capture resolution to 4096x2160 using another usb capture card and editing ustreamer.service, but the image size on the webpage is still displaying at 1920x1080. Is it possible to increase the image size on the ...
                Technical SupportP52021-09-07 18:55:38.339Z
                TinyPilot using remote desktop and ipad with magic keyboard
                Hi, I am using this awesome tool and I am loving it. when I want to access tiny pilot from outside my home network and I use my iPad browser (chrome, firefox or Safari) I experiance unbearable slowness, so I decided to connect to a virtual machine in...
                  General??62021-09-03 21:58:58.797Z
                  Tinypilot Pro update fails
                  Tried to update using web gui and via SSH error via SSH: E: Repository ' buster InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'stable' to 'oldstable' N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repo...
                    GeneralKK2F272021-09-03 21:47:43.316Z
                    Mouse HID gets interpreted as touch on Chromebook
                    I'm controlling a Chromebook remotely from a Windows 10 computer through Chrome (holy inception, Batman!). The Chromebook seems to interpret the TinyPilot HID device (/dev/hidg1) as touch input. When I wave my mouse around on the Windows 10 computer,...
                      Technical SupportVV52021-09-02 08:00:22.148Z
                      Explain icons...
                      Higher resolution
                      The TinyPilot Voyager looks really tempting, but I would like a higher resolution, maybe even DisplayPort input instead of HDMI. Is there any chance of you doing something like that?
                        GeneralUW22021-09-01 19:23:17.637Z
                        Trouble installing TIny Pilot
                        I have a raspberry pi 4 with raspbian 10 installed. I tried downloading and installing tiny pilot on it from the instructions here: It appears to download and...
                          Technical SupportP2P262021-08-30 00:10:15.371Z
                          Issue with Tinypilot and AIMOS KVM - unable to activate hotkeys
                          Hi, Just received my device and hooked it up to the AIMOS 4 port KVM I bought in anticipation of using it with the Tinypilot. So I've hooked it up, and added a powered HDMI splitter. I've booted and it's all looking good - but a couple of issues pres...
                            Technical SupportJ82021-08-27 20:17:52.614Z
                            HTTPS Error
                            This is the error i get for https on my TinyPilot. Is there anyway to make this go away?
                              Technical SupportN12021-08-24 21:17:00.002Z
                              Latency issues
                              I hooked up a GoPro to the hdmi input on the pilot and I’m getting a lot of latency in the video transmission. Could it be the camera itself, and do you have any suggestions for ways to minimize the latency in the system?
                                GeneralM12021-08-24 19:14:12.191Z
                                Activate keyboard
                                Hello, first of all, thanks for the build :) I installed it on a PI rev B with power adapter 2A :( I have the screen, the icon "connected" but when I click on the keyboard nothing happens. Did I miss something ? Many thanks
                                  GeneralJJ82021-08-16 12:34:24.259Z
                                  TinyPilot Voyager didnt come with TinyPilot pro preinstalled?
                                  Hi, My boss ordered a tinypilot voyager for us, but it didnt have tinypilot pro preinstalled, where can we download this image? Br Jacob
                                    GeneralTT22021-08-16 08:26:58.297Z
                                    Virtual drive - select cdrom or removable media
                                    With a cdrom virtual image, windows suggests formatting the device, boot fails. Please add a choice between cdrom and removable media. Works with PiKVM selection cdrom instead of flash.
                                      GeneralCB102021-08-11 22:16:33.769Z
                                      TinyPilot Pro questions
                                      First off great concept =) and amazing all things we can do with Pis. What is the planned yearly price to keep updates after buying the license? Is the pro setup to configure for remote IP connection? I know the std you can do it but have to add a do...
                                        GeneralS32021-08-05 19:23:49.760Z
                                        Right way to set TLS certificates
                                        Hello, I'm looking for the instruction on how to set TLS certs in the right way (without CA). I'm using my own CA that is configured as trusted on all devices, so, I only want to set the TLS keys for the tinypilot itself w/o providing the CA. I tried...
                                          GeneralF72021-08-04 21:17:42.562Z
                                          Control via API
                                          Hello, Is it possible to connect servers via E-SDS 8 Port HDMI KVM Switch to TinyPilot and control them via API (e.g. reset)?
                                            Technical SupportA32021-08-04 20:47:01.522Z
                                            Hide the TinyPilot Settings dropdown menu in the browser interface
                                            Hello - is there a way to hide the settings menu in the TinyPilot admin bar in the browser. I dont want anyone to change any settings menu as they access the TinyPilot
                                              GeneralJ212021-08-04 20:42:16.521Z
                                              Video issue - certain pixels and colors corrupt image
                                              So, I have been running into this issue a handful of times and I think I have isolated the cause. For whatever reason, a certain pixel/color array will corrupt the image from that point on. Not the whole image, just from that point to the end of the ...
                                                Technical SupportDD62021-08-04 18:43:40.985Z
                                                Not able to boot from virtual media
                                                Hello, I have recently purchased a Tinypilot Pro and I am attempting to use the virtual media feature to install Windows 10 on a Dell Optiplex 9020 desktop. I was able to upload the latest Windows 10 ISO and "mount" it, but for whatever reason I am u...
                                                  GeneralDG42021-07-30 02:44:42.398Z
                                                  Mouse and Keybord does not move over wan
                                                  I have a single laptop that i would like to access from internet time to time. All settings are good with the firewall but I can not click or move mouse when I am trying to connect over wan. When I am within my home network (thats where tinypilot is ...
                                                    GeneralN12021-07-28 22:31:29.649Z
                                                    Shipping Couriers
                                                    Hi, Do you offer shipping with another courier other than USPS, such as FedEx? USPS sometimes has issues delivering packages to my office.
                                                      General112021-07-28 22:00:14.651Z
                                                      Enable HTTPS
                                                      Hi, I bought the hobbies kit and I was able to assemble it together and start testing it. Is there any documentation on how to enable https?
                                                        Technical SupportNN22021-07-27 22:55:09.480Z
                                                        USB Mag Card Reader
                                                        I have a device that requires the use of a USB Card reader to access the application. Can Tiny Pilot pass the card swipe remotely to the device? Example is if I have the USB card reader installed on the remote PC with the tiny pilot browser open. Can...
                                                          GeneralBB22021-07-27 22:43:01.016Z
                                                          Forward kb & mouse input from remote desktop?
                                                          If I remotely connect to a Windows PC using M$ Remote Desktop, then access TinyPilots web-controls on that client PC to control a different PC, then will the KB+mouse movements be forwarded to the different PC the same as if I was physically providin...
                                                            Technical SupportMM22021-07-26 19:30:22.350Z
                                                            Shipping to Europe
                                                            Hi. I live in Europe (Sweden). My understanding is that you ship TinyPilot from the United States. Does the calculated price with shipping include the import taxes + VAT of the destination country?
                                                              GeneralLL22021-07-26 18:48:33.850Z
                                                              Possible bug? Upload ISO from local PC method.
                                                              It seems to be some issue with the upload of ISO from the local PC to TinyPilot, which sometime it works, and sometime it doesn't. Tried to use different browser (switching between Chrome, Firefox and Edge), clearing the session, reboot and retry, ch...
                                                                Technical SupportN52021-07-23 20:40:43.938Z
                                                                Upgrade Issue
                                                                Michael, Tried to update to the latest version from July 2021 got an error on the Web UI so went to command line and tried /opt/tinypilot/scripts/upgrade IT failed as well become: true become_method: sudo roles: - role: tinypilot.tinypilot-pro' ansib...
                                                                  GeneralG22021-07-21 19:10:41.983Z
                                                                  boot from remote without pro
                                                                  This device looks very promising! Congratulations. I have a couple of questions before buying it: Once the pro license expires. Is it possible to boot the target computer with something in the remote computer? Can I still use the images I had uploade...
                                                                    Technical SupportO12021-07-21 18:49:11.803Z
                                                                    I'm in Spain, I see you do international shipping with fedex, so I understand I will be able to by your product and get it, but Is it possible to get an invoice with my data (company name, adress ...) thank you
                                                                      GeneralON22021-07-21 18:46:08.352Z
                                                                      Blank screen logging into BIOS.
                                                                      I hooked up my Hobbyist kit to my Intel NUC NUC8BEH and when I try to enter the UEFI / BIOS, I get a blank screen. Per this website, looks like there may be a resolution issue, Intel Help Page @
                                                                        Technical SupportCN62021-07-21 16:43:03.261Z
                                                                        Alternative to tinypower connector
                                                                        Michael, I have one of the below. Can this be used instead of the tinypower connector?
                                                                          GeneralG12021-07-14 17:51:22.229Z
                                                                          Mount virtual media RW?
                                                                          I know it is not possible from web interface, but is there a file to manually edit to change a virtual disk image to RW when mounted? Would be a nice option in the web interface at some point as well.
                                                                            GeneralS212021-07-14 17:49:25.552Z
                                                                            Mouse movement erratic - keyboard has no response
                                                                            The mouse is moving all over the screen on its own, and is very, very lagged (unusable). This is a camera NVR system that the TinyPilot is connected to. The log is here:
                                                                              GeneralA92021-07-14 17:34:34.203Z
                                                                              Is there a way to use the USB-A ports to send keyboard+mouse inputs to the target computer?
                                                                              I've set up TinyPilot on a Raspberry Pi 4, video capture is working fine but I don't have the USB-C splitter mentioned on the wiki and git, mostly because I live in Europe and getting it shipped would probably take a while. I do have a USB-A male-to-...
                                                                                GeneralB?52021-07-13 18:39:04.445Z
                                                                                TinyPilot Hobbyist Kit minus Pi4 and case
                                                                                Is there a TinyPilot Hobbyist Kit that does not contain the Pi4 and case. I already have my own Pi 4 and only need the remaining items. Thank you
                                                                                  GeneralP12021-07-02 22:34:51.107Z