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Tinypilot showing disconnected.
Hi, I was using tiny pilot from couple months but from today I am getting error on left side of the screen that it is disconnected, and I cannot click on any buttons with my computer. What is the solution of this problem.
    Technical SupportM/112023-09-22 11:11:25.896Z
    Security Questions - cloud connectivity and logging
    Hi, I couldn't find this in the docs, apologies if I missed something. TinyPilot looks great but can you please answer a few security questions: Is there any cloud connectivity or transfer initiated by the TinyPilot box? i.e. what is the back door ri...
      Technical SupportXC/C12023-09-21 16:34:16.386Z
      Mac/ IoS problems
      Touch events don't work on my Iphone mobile browser. Also audio output functionality is missing for Mac Pro models.
        Technical SupportD12023-09-21 05:26:27.611Z
        TinyPilot Voyager 2 PoE no lights on ethernet / network. Unreachable.
        Hi I have a TinyPilot Voyager 2 PoE puchased Oct 19, 2022 ORDER #4527. Starting today we have no lights on network and the unit is unreachable. We have checked cables, nettwork config and have isolated the issue down to the unit itself. Please advise...
          Technical SupportK/92023-09-19 14:17:32.274Z
          Idiots Guide to TinyPilot?
          Good Evening! I was originally brought here via the now deprecated project known as Key MIME Pi. USE CASE: I am using daisy chained USB Synchronizers where, at a hardware level, all they do is repeat my keyboard input. Generally speaking, I use these...
            GeneralRR/22023-09-19 11:44:06.811Z
            Ethernet Port Dead after less than 7 days
            Our Tinypilot KVM ethernet port died less than a week after receiving it. Tested on 4 switches and 3 different cables. What do we do?
              Technical SupportWC/C72023-09-18 19:27:11.615Z
              Setting static IP address
              Hello, we have an environment where all of the IP addresses on our networks have to be static. I'm readying two Tiny Pilots to send to a remote location, and they need to have the IPs set for the network where they will live (no DNS). Everything is s...
                Technical SupportLJY82023-09-15 13:57:17.663Z
                Is there a way to connect to TinyPilot using VNC or similar?
                Hello! I bought a device recently and generally I'm happy, but there are some limitations which webview is having. Say, I cannot use Alt-Tab to switch apps. I cannot really open it in fullscreen (it says "to return press Esc" and of course while I'm ...
                  Technical SupportLC/C12023-09-14 12:11:03.242Z
                  Tinypilot audio problem on Mac
                  I've recently updated my tinypilot with factory reset. But it's unable to transmit audio on mac. What should I do?
                    Technical SupportT62023-09-14 05:46:01.395Z
                    Native VNC client
                    Can I connect to the TP with some native VNC client like this , and if not - why?
                      General12023-09-13 16:18:20.081Z
                      Explain icons...
                      Question about TinyPilot 2 vs 2a
                      Hello, I am not interested in audio capture but am interested in modifying the EDID. Can I do that with the older model? Also, besides audio capture and case differences what does the 2a have that the 2 doesn't ? Thanks,
                        Technical SupportM12023-09-12 05:04:57.036Z
                        video quality down
                        Hi, I am using HDMI to HDMI cable. My video quality is poor then target laptop to personal laptop. How can I improve high resolution video using via HDMI?
                          Technical SupportJ2/32023-09-11 11:23:27.976Z
                          Technical SupportT262023-09-08 11:27:18.326Z
                          No Signal - New Build Rasbperry Pi 4
                          Let me start by saying that I've run through most of the previous forum entries on the No Signal issue. I've created a shareable link of logs. I'm also attaching build details. This is the TinyPilot Hobbyist ver...
                            Technical SupportG/42023-09-07 15:47:13.100Z
                            The database file is not compatible with the current version of the app.
                            My WebUI is was returning: "{"code":null,"message":"The database file is not compatible with the current version of the app."}" I did a re-install with: curl -L[redacted]/ | sh && sudo reboot `` Now the when tryin...
                              Technical Support8C/C52023-09-01 20:37:32.955Z
                              Remote control mac book pro.
                              Hello sir I am very new to the KVM space. Looking for suggestions. My requirement is below: I have a mac book pro and a HP windows laptop with a wireless mouse and keyboard in usa. HP windows laptop hosts a zoom call and share screen and grants contr...
                                Technical SupportGC/C92023-08-31 20:39:30.483Z
                                Technical SupportM22023-08-31 11:21:27.059Z
                                Audio streaming with H264 and VGA/HDMI adapter
                                I purchased a VGA to HDMI adapter along with my Tinypilot Voyager 2A. I am to get an HDMI machine to stream audio ok but if I use a machine with the VGA to HDMI adapter it doesn’t work most of the time. On a few occasions, it plays audio out of the b...
                                  Technical SupportR/72023-08-29 16:43:11.553Z
                                  Update - 8 Month Update
                                  Background: I use tinypilot to control 4 computers remotely. I have been doing this from my office, which is in a different room from the computers, as well as to use TailScale to remote in while away from home. I have been using this setup on my PC ...
                                    Technical SupportZ/12023-08-28 14:28:09.503Z
                                    Install wifi adapter driver on host through tinyp?
                                    I need to install a driver for a wifi adapter on the host computer that currently has no internet source. Is it possible to download the driver onto the tinyp and then get it to the host and installed through the tinyp? Or do I just need to connect t...
                                      Technical SupportSC/C72023-08-27 23:08:42.743Z
                                      Update SSL Error
                                      Hello, I just renewed my Tinypilot pro license so that I can reimage the raspberry pi but I am still getting this error when I try to update. "Error: Failed to request latest available version: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certific...
                                        Technical SupportZC/C12023-08-27 22:43:34.784Z
                                        Lessons learned from my use case
                                        TinyPilot is awesome. We need it. But there are some shortcomings that will, I hope, be resolved eventually. Use case - I have 2 kids and I have to do things as a dad, yet I have to work. Tinypilot allows me to access my work computers from my Micros...
                                          Technical SupportZCZ42023-08-25 20:01:46.192Z
                                          TinyPilot v2 screen flickering on macos? how to fix this
                                          TinyPilot v2 screen flickering on macos? how to fix this. i have old of them v1 working fine
                                            Technical SupportAR52023-08-25 18:09:11.337Z
                                            Tiny pilot web UI not comming up.
                                            Was working properly untill yesterday, suddenly the UI went down. Please help
                                              Technical SupportG212023-08-25 06:09:07.818Z
                                              I've got my Tinypilot Voyager last december via In my logs I now get messages about Under-Voltage. How is this possible? I'm using exactly the components that where shipped.. [ 6.875685] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005) [ 27.673651...
                                                Technical SupportD102023-08-23 18:35:04.068Z
                                                Upgrading 2.5.0 fails because of GPG Key error
                                                Hi, I'm trying to update my Tinypilot pro from 2.5.0 to the latest version. I tried two times through the web interface and just got an error, so I tried again through ssh. Upgrading stops in the ansible step: TASK [ansible-role-ustreamer : check if...
                                                  Technical SupportD42023-08-23 17:52:30.677Z
                                                  Three critical improvements needed for the TinyPiloy Voyager 2a...
                                                  Being able to set a static IP address or switch to DHCP via TinyPilot's web browser UI. Can't believe this was not thought of. I know it can be done via command line but, come on guys, how hard would it be to add it to the UI? TinyPilot's inability t...
                                                    Ideas12023-08-22 12:15:50.439Z
                                                    HDMI issues after 2.6.0 re-flash
                                                    Hi, I just upgraded to 2.6.0 and now I'm having video issues that I wasn't before. It was working like 2 versions back (2.5.0?) and I had some issues going to the next level (2.5.5) so I went ahead and moved to 2.6.0 by doing a new 2.6.0 flash. Now t...
                                                      Technical SupportI/22023-08-22 11:17:39.703Z
                                                      PI Zero 2 OTG port no KB/Mouse
                                                      I'm trying to move to an ultra portable tinypilot setup, currently using a pi4b with a USB HDMI capture adapter, and a USB C-to-A adapter cable to connect my modified USB cable for kb/mouse input to the connected computer. It all works great. I snagg...
                                                        Technical SupportPC/C52023-08-21 12:49:03.424Z
                                                        Brand new TinyPilot won't boot up -- flashing red power light
                                                        I have a brand new TinyPilot. I cannot access it via Ethernet. There are no activity lights on the tinypilot or the router when I connect it to my router. I am using a cable that works with other devices. Also, there is a bright blinking red light an...
                                                          Technical SupportTCT/C42023-08-17 16:03:25.493Z
                                                          Need suggestions to complete update to version 2.5.4 from 2.5.0
                                                          Can't update to version 2.5.4 from 2.5.0 1.- Did ++++++++ $ sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change Hit:1 buster InRelease Hit:2 buster InRelease Reading package li...
                                                            Technical SupportMC/C22023-08-17 10:06:38.444Z
                                                            I need some information on how does this KVM works on the work laptop.
                                                            My work laptop is located in my house and I would like to travel out of the state without carrying a work laptop. But my office networking guys always monitor my location by checking my IP address and I cant use Team viewers or RDP or VPN routers to ...
                                                              GeneralRFNC82023-08-16 15:24:47.454Z
                                                              Technical SupportT92023-08-15 11:11:02.357Z
                                                              Error in updating to from 2.5.0 to 2.5.4
                                                              Getting the following error message when trying to do the update The update failed: Command '['sudo', '/opt/tinypilot-privileged/update']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
                                                                Technical SupportJ42023-08-14 14:24:36.449Z
                                                                Voyager V2 vs v2a
                                                                What would be reasons to upgrade from a working V2 to the V2a? I have the V2 for a few years without any real issues and was wondering whether the new version is significant enough to upgrade to. I didn't see anything that jumped out (other than the ...
                                                                  GeneralJJ22023-08-14 13:36:11.516Z
                                                                  Can't get past "no signal"
                                                                  Hi. I bought two identical laptops and wanted to use Tiny Pilot to set them up remotely. The first one worked just fine, but the second one never gets past "No signal". The setup uses the same cables (HDMI, USB, no adapters). When I connect HDMI to a...
                                                                    Technical SupportYC/C42023-08-10 22:35:41.213Z
                                                                    TinyPilot - info about ports
                                                                    Hi, I need to remote control one desktop. Problem is that on laptop I have an application protected by one dongle which I want to use, but this application detect if you are trying to connect to my desktop with TeamViewer, Anydesk, RDP...etc and if t...
                                                                      Technical SupportA12023-08-10 05:50:53.065Z
                                                                      Can't access to tinypilot page
                                                                      I upgraded tinypilot from version 2.5.3 to 2.5.4 These are steps what I did: re-flashed sd card with image file inserted card to tinypilot device and power it on After 3 mins, connected tinypilot device to laptop The first time, I could see sold red ...
                                                                        Technical SupportP12023-08-10 05:47:36.005Z
                                                                        Can't Connect Via Browser - Can Connect Via SSH - sudo nginx -t Shows Error
                                                                        Hi, Things were working fine for the last 10+ days since I got the device. Today I powered down so I could move around the cabling. When I powered it back up I couldn't connect using the browser. I get a connection refused error. I can connect via SS...
                                                                          Technical SupportB/72023-08-08 11:14:48.604Z
                                                                          how to use TinyPilot to start a PC
                                                                          Suppose I shut down my target computer. I wonder if there is a way to turn it on using the TinyPilot web interface? Thank you.
                                                                            Technical SupportSC/C12023-08-08 01:04:25.694Z