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Topics, recently active firstCategoryUsers / AssignedRepliesActivity
Lag is big over LAN & Keyboard shortcuts dont work
Hello im new to tiny piloot. Looking to work remote. Bought a tiny pillot, installed it. It seems to work. 1.Lag seems to be more than 200 ms. 2. im not an engineer, im a designer, so working with design soft i use alot of keyboard shortcuts and thos...
    Technical SupportX/52023-11-03 13:03:46.705Z
    Source of video latency
    Aside from network, is the TinyPilo video latency primarily a product of the Pi CPU limits or protocol/software?
      GeneralS12023-11-03 12:51:42.646Z
      The following packages have unmet dependencies: janus : Depends: libduktape205, libusrsctp1, libwebsockets16
      Hello, I am using Raspberry PI Zero and Raspberry Pi OS Lite (version from October 10th 2023). When I run this script from the repo curl \ --silent \ --show-error \ ...
        Technical SupportPCP/C92023-11-02 12:43:42.880Z
        Tiny pilot can it be accessed
        Hi I’m trying to set my tiny pilot but it says that my host can only be accessed from a local device? How can access it from device that’s not on my local network. Thank you
          Technical SupportS/12023-10-31 12:02:44.607Z
          Can see screen but cannot move mouse or use keyboard.
          I am using a TinyPilot Voyager 2a to remote into my windows laptop. I have a perfectly good tinypilot setup working already, but am now having issues with a second setup that I finished yesterday. I put everything together and all was working well. T...
            Technical SupportK/72023-10-31 11:55:20.046Z
            Need to use 2 tiny pilots on a remote server. Works but the mouse does not work on the second tiny pilot.
            I plugged two tiny pilots into a remote workstation that has two video cards. I was able to see two each of the tiny pilots but can only use the mouse on the primary tiny pilot. In order for this two work it word require the following: 1)plug the USB...
              Technical SupportDCD/C72023-10-31 08:47:56.521Z
              Storage Full
              I have been experiencing issues with my Voyager 2a. Specifically, the cursor and all UI elements are "jittery," and the audio view browser is no longer working. When attempting to update the device, I get an error that the disk is full. I am only abl...
                Technical SupportCC/C12023-10-31 00:32:01.978Z
                Possible to install 3rd party software?
                I need remote access to the KVM when outside of my own network and I don't want to open any inbound connection ports on my firewall. I would like to install the zerotier agent on the KVM. If I am not mistaken TinyPilot allows SSH access to the RPi OS...
                  Technical SupportGCG/C22023-10-29 11:27:52.073Z
                  New TinyPilot - not powering on?
                  Hi there! I purchased the Voyager 2a and followed the following instructions: It's not really rocket science. I plugged in the power adaptor to the wall and plugged the USB-C side of the power adapte...
                    Technical SupportLCL/C22023-10-25 01:57:38.473Z
                    502 bad gatewaynginx/1.14.2 non-routed network behind proxy
                    I have a tinypilot in a private network where I can run DHCP but not DNS services and cannot route with NAT. Each device gets a unique IPv4 address and I can ssh in to the tinypilot (having set it up in a different network). I have the dreaded 502 Ba...
                      Technical SupportAC/C12023-10-23 16:59:24.372Z
                      Explain icons...
                      Cursor offset
                      TinyPilot is fantastic and we could use it for medical assistance in remote areas. But for a certain device which I want to take over, there is an horizontal offset of the mouse cursor. The screen is projected but with black vertical bars on the side...
                        Technical SupportS/132023-10-23 08:14:34.439Z
                        Black screen several minutes after booting
                        My host device is an Intel NUC NUC7i3BNH. I've installed Windows Server 2022 on it. TinyPilot works fine to show me video of the NUC booting (I can see Intel NUC logo and F-key prompts) and the Windows login screen. This functions fine and as expecte...
                          Technical SupportSC/C112023-10-18 20:44:40.571Z
                          tiny pilot not working - power supply?
                          My tiny pilot has stopped working, Video capture not working, boots up intermittently, fan sounds underpowered. Will a standard USB-C supply work as a replacement or for testing?
                            Technical SupportR/52023-10-18 11:14:31.330Z
                            Redo tailscale URL /
                            This might be more of a question for Tailscale but I successfully installed Tailscale using the instructions on TinyPilot. I got the URL and authenticated via Tailscape login. Only issue is I didn’t realize that I need it to be authenticated to a dif...
                              Technical SupportJC/C12023-10-12 10:34:04.905Z
                              write boot image to larger SD Card
                              I have followed: to write the image to a new, larger SDCard. I want to have a copy of an iso on the SDCard to use to image the machine the tiny pilot is connected to. My SDCard is larger than needed (512GB),...
                                Technical SupportTC/C12023-10-10 13:36:12.048Z
                                local virtual media
                                I see a menu option System:Virtual Media It allows mounting from my desktop or a url. Is there a way to mount an image from the sdcard in tinypilot (preferred) or from the USB port in tinypilot?
                                  Technical SupportTC/C12023-10-10 13:35:01.149Z
                                  Fullscreen/Theatre Mode
                                  So on youtube there is a Theatre mode where it kind of goes fullscreen... I am mentioning this because I have G9 Monitor which is 5120x1440 resolution. I would like to Fullscreen TinyPilot at half of the screen the screen resolution but thats not an ...
                                    IdeasA/42023-10-06 11:20:32.169Z
                                    4K60 Local Video Source Idea!
                                    I have an idea for being able to use 4K at 60fps if you have a high end capture card. Suppose we have 3 computers and a capture card that supports 4K @ 60FPS 1 Windows computer 1 Mac computer 1 RaspberryPi Proposed TinyPilot Configuration The Raspber...
                                      IdeasA/42023-10-06 11:04:10.012Z
                                      No Signal Flashing
                                      I have tinypilot working somewhat, however the display constantly flashes no signal every 2 seconds or so. Can anyone tell me what is going on? Log link: I have this connected to the vga port of a Dell R430 serv...
                                        Technical SupportFC/C22023-10-06 05:45:42.228Z
                                        TinyPilot shows black screen after upgrading macOS to Ventura 13.3
                                        TinyPilot worked well when I am using macOS Ventura 13.1, but it shows black screen after upgrading to macOS Ventura 13.3. Keyboard and mouse works, but HDMI output is just a black screen. It was same whether or not I select MJPEG or H264 mode. I tri...
                                          Technical SupportS2CJM/C372023-09-29 21:36:27.241Z
                                          Moving locations with tinypilot
                                          Right now, my tinypilot is in USA, and I am connecting my computer to it from another country. If someone moves the tinypilot to a different location for me in USA, will my computer still be able to connect?
                                            Technical SupportGC/C32023-09-29 21:35:44.150Z
                                            Can't connect to tinypilot via web
                                            I have a tinypilot that has been working great for a few months but recently stopped. We're unable to connect to it via any of the 3 listed urls. I've read most of the other posts on here about what to try. Here's what I've found: We can see the tiny...
                                              Technical SupportU/32023-09-29 14:42:38.620Z
                                              Connecting TinyPilot to 4/5G network
                                              I am using the TinyPilot solution in remote areas without wifi/ethernet but with adequate 4/5G coverage. I create a wi-fi hotspot with my phone to connect the TinyPilot which I control remotely using Tailscale. Has anyone tried to directly insert a S...
                                                Technical SupportSCS/C22023-09-28 07:15:10.538Z
                                                2 Second latency no matter what I do
                                                So I have a tinypilot setup and I feel like the quality settings do nothing. Switching from Mjpeg to H264 doens't change anything, and both of them look the exact same even at the lowest possible quality setting. I get around 2 seconds latency. I did...
                                                  Technical SupportCC/C12023-09-28 00:04:52.273Z
                                                  Screen size is small @2.6.1
                                                  I upgraded to tinypilot pro 2.6.1. The screen size is getting small when I switch to another PC ( I connected TinyPilot to HDMI 2-ports splitter with Mac-mini and NUC). When I use MJPEG, there is no problem in screen size. But If I use H.264, The scr...
                                                    Technical SupportCC/C32023-09-25 22:14:30.438Z
                                                    Latency & Mouse issues
                                                    When logging to Tiny Pilot the latency is disturbing. Also, it seems I can't use the mouse button to click on options while in BIOS mode.
                                                      Technical SupportPC/C12023-09-22 17:38:34.389Z
                                                      Screen isn't rendering since I updated video settings.
                                                      Hello Recently, I was trying to update video settings to improve the remote control speed. It worked initially and I tried multiple video settings update for almost 1 month But right now, the video isn't rendering anymore and couldn't touch video set...
                                                        Technical SupportMC/C12023-09-22 17:28:56.808Z
                                                        Tinypilot showing disconnected.
                                                        Hi, I was using tiny pilot from couple months but from today I am getting error on left side of the screen that it is disconnected, and I cannot click on any buttons with my computer. What is the solution of this problem.
                                                          Technical SupportM/112023-09-22 11:11:25.896Z
                                                          Security Questions - cloud connectivity and logging
                                                          Hi, I couldn't find this in the docs, apologies if I missed something. TinyPilot looks great but can you please answer a few security questions: Is there any cloud connectivity or transfer initiated by the TinyPilot box? i.e. what is the back door ri...
                                                            Technical SupportXC/C12023-09-21 16:34:16.386Z
                                                            Mac/ IoS problems
                                                            Touch events don't work on my Iphone mobile browser. Also audio output functionality is missing for Mac Pro models.
                                                              Technical SupportD12023-09-21 05:26:27.611Z
                                                              TinyPilot Voyager 2 PoE no lights on ethernet / network. Unreachable.
                                                              Hi I have a TinyPilot Voyager 2 PoE puchased Oct 19, 2022 ORDER #4527. Starting today we have no lights on network and the unit is unreachable. We have checked cables, nettwork config and have isolated the issue down to the unit itself. Please advise...
                                                                Technical SupportK/92023-09-19 14:17:32.274Z
                                                                Idiots Guide to TinyPilot?
                                                                Good Evening! I was originally brought here via the now deprecated project known as Key MIME Pi. USE CASE: I am using daisy chained USB Synchronizers where, at a hardware level, all they do is repeat my keyboard input. Generally speaking, I use these...
                                                                  GeneralR2R2/22023-09-19 11:44:06.811Z
                                                                  Ethernet Port Dead after less than 7 days
                                                                  Our Tinypilot KVM ethernet port died less than a week after receiving it. Tested on 4 switches and 3 different cables. What do we do?
                                                                    Technical SupportWC/C72023-09-18 19:27:11.615Z
                                                                    Setting static IP address
                                                                    Hello, we have an environment where all of the IP addresses on our networks have to be static. I'm readying two Tiny Pilots to send to a remote location, and they need to have the IPs set for the network where they will live (no DNS). Everything is s...
                                                                      Technical SupportLJY82023-09-15 13:57:17.663Z
                                                                      Is there a way to connect to TinyPilot using VNC or similar?
                                                                      Hello! I bought a device recently and generally I'm happy, but there are some limitations which webview is having. Say, I cannot use Alt-Tab to switch apps. I cannot really open it in fullscreen (it says "to return press Esc" and of course while I'm ...
                                                                        Technical SupportLC/C12023-09-14 12:11:03.242Z
                                                                        Tinypilot audio problem on Mac
                                                                        I've recently updated my tinypilot with factory reset. But it's unable to transmit audio on mac. What should I do?
                                                                          Technical SupportT62023-09-14 05:46:01.395Z
                                                                          Native VNC client
                                                                          Can I connect to the TP with some native VNC client like this , and if not - why?
                                                                            General12023-09-13 16:18:20.081Z
                                                                            Question about TinyPilot 2 vs 2a
                                                                            Hello, I am not interested in audio capture but am interested in modifying the EDID. Can I do that with the older model? Also, besides audio capture and case differences what does the 2a have that the 2 doesn't ? Thanks,
                                                                              Technical SupportM12023-09-12 05:04:57.036Z
                                                                              video quality down
                                                                              Hi, I am using HDMI to HDMI cable. My video quality is poor then target laptop to personal laptop. How can I improve high resolution video using via HDMI?
                                                                                Technical SupportJ2/32023-09-11 11:23:27.976Z
                                                                                Technical SupportT262023-09-08 11:27:18.326Z